Having my first threesome with my swinger friend

Iam now in Boston for college. There is a New Yorker club where all students there are from New York. We often spend time together and sometimes, share a ride home. I met a girl in that club along with another two girls and 6 guys. Us ten people are the closest ones, especially the girl named Lily. Our home in New York is very close to each other, so that allows us to share some more time than with others. Lily is a swinger single girl, who have had many tinder for couples and she started her swinger lifestyle before she went to college. I heard many threesome experiences of hers and she got me totally interested in having a couples dating. I have always wanted to kiss a girl. But if I kiss a single girl, people might mistake me as a lesbian, which I am not. So I guess having threesome is really a compromised way. I get to be with one guy and a girl at the same time. I mentioned to Lily once that maybe we could have a threesome together if there is such opportunity.
It has been over months since I told her that I would like to have a threesome with her, but we haven’t encountered such opportunity. Just when I was about to forget that proposal, the chance came. We find a threesome app.
We are having our summer holiday and using these 3some dating apps. During the holiday, we often hang out with guys and girls in the New Yorker club. Last week, one guy named Ian from that club invited us over to his house for a sleep-over party, since his parents were home for days. Lily and I both came and there were other 2 girls and 6 guys. We played games, watched movies, drinking, etc. It was in the midnight, everyone was getting tired. Ian took out the mattress and put them behind the couch in the living room and prepared blankets and pillows for us. Lily and I took the couch and the other two girls took one mattress, while the rest took the other two mattresses. I read some tips on 3some dating apps.
When everyone was asleep, Ian was still cleaning the room quietly. Finally, he finished cleaning and managed to find himself a room in the couch right beside me and Lily. Lily and I were both awake, but Ian didn’t know. Lily suddenly turned to me and asked “would you like to have a threesome?” “Now?” I asked. “Yeah”, Lily said. I thought for seconds. Others were asleep behind us. I could hear the loud snoring. We were in the couch where they cannot see us. Us three persons were totally hidden by the backrest of the couch. I agreed. Lily turned to Ian and asked “Me and her, choose one?” “Can I have you both?” he answered. The answer was pretty clever. Lily kissed him and I leaned myself toward him. He kissed Lily back and then kissed me. So we had a threesome hookup which was pretty amazing like 3some dating apps in the couch while 7 other people were sleeping right behind us.
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